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Corvus Belli

Varank Supports

Varank Supports

Regular price $33.60 USD
Regular price $42.00 USD Sale price $33.60 USD
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Selika is a lone shooter with the ability to slow multiple targets simultaneously. In addition, she can increase the rate of fire of the Ice Archers she joins and, to a lesser extent, heal and remove statuses from them.

What does she bring to your army?

  • She is an Ambusher, so she can choose the right moment and position to fire on her target, slowing it down and inflicting quite a lot of damage.

  • Allows Ice Archers to fire twice during their activation, making them more lethal.

Eskold the Executioner

On the battlefield Eskold is a magnificent warrior, very offensive, with the strange ability to join the Huargo Riders, despite being infantry.

What does he bring to his army?

  • Attack power. His enemies receive the cowed status just by engaging with him. It can also stress them if it inflicts damage in combat.

  • He improves the units he joins, giving them the Elite keyword and increasing their morale (MOR) by 1, which is very valuable for the Huargo Riders.

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